It’s always a wise move to prepare your new pup beforehand if it hasn’t experienced its first grooming. You should always keep in mind that the first puppy grooming session will affect the grooming sessions of your dog in the future.  

Your dog will probably find every session in the future scary if they’re scared during the first session. Because of this, it’s crucial that you show your pet that being groomed is an excellent thing that results in a lot of treats and rewards.  

Today, we’re going to share with you some tips on how to prepare your new pup for its first Fontana mobile pet grooming. 

What Should You Expect During the First Grooming Session? 

Hiring a reliable groomer is ideal for the first grooming session of your dog. It’s also crucial to perform the grooming session within your own house since your pup is comfortable inside it. You can be with your pup the entire time to offer them support and encouragement.  

You can also help the groomer by setting up an area for the grooming session. For almost every pup, a bathtub works great. On the other hand, a sink can also work well for some dog breeds. It’s also important that you prepare a table for the groomer, together with a couple of dry towels.  

How to Prepare Your New Pup for Grooming? 

Since grooming includes a lot of handling and touch, you should make it a priority to get your pup used to that. Because of this, you need to touch your pup more often in spots that the groomer is probably going to touch as well. This includes the inner thigh, ears, tails, paws, and tummy.  

Also, you need to ensure your new pup is used to being handled. Holding still your puppy lightly on a table and in the sink or bath can be an ideal approach to training them to accept the handling of a professional groomer. 

You’ve got to ensure you provide rewards for excellent behavior with all the above training methods. This will allow your pet to understand that grooming can result in excellent things.  

A lot of professionals recommend the puppy to be around 3-4 months old for the first grooming appointment. During this age, your pup will be willing to try new things. This makes it an ideal time to make an excellent lasting impression. Also, a lot of professional groomers need that your puppy is completely updated with every vaccination. Thus, you’ve got to guarantee you take care of it as well. 

Even though we’re talking about puppies, the method mentioned above can also work for older dogs who have never experienced grooming. This includes rescue dogs. However, when it comes to older dogs, you have to do it gradually. The reason for this is that they’re probably fearful and more cautious compared to puppies.  

When it comes to grooming, you’ve got nothing to worry about if you hire a professional and reliable dog groomer. They’re trained professionals when it comes to dog grooming.